Computer Games

Grunt: Games I have known

Grunt was an old platformer for the Mac. I played the shareware version. Thinking back now, I should have purchased a copy as I liked the game so much and it would have made it more playable. As a kid, starting a game over and over from the very beginning and getting to the furthest room possible adds to the challenge, though now it is clear that this is why I never beat the game because that kind of way of playing is somewhat insane.

In the game you play a rotund pig that stands upright and looks a bit like Robin Hood with a cap and tunic. The goal of the game is to explore a large dungeon with many levels and rooms. Each room is a screen size and rooms can have multiple entrances and exits that lead to other parts of the dungeon. You can find keys that open up different doors. One of the charms of this game is the variety of levels. At the beginning levels are simple colored brown and green, but levels and doors near the end are red, blue, steel, and all kinds of psychedelic colors. A door might indicate what type of level lies behind it.

You gather different ammo arrows and fireballs, maybe something else, and dispatch with enemies that are blocking your way. Ammo is very limited and lives are few. Enemies might be bouncing or pacing on a platform, or they follow you around. Another way of dying is falling or hitting spikes. If you duck, which is an important mechanic for getting under walls while traveling on a moving platform, and you get up under the wall, you also die. This is the main source of sound in the game except for some intro lute music, the sound of a fireball sounding like something getting hit and burning, and the sound of death being a squeal. To begin with you only had 3 lives though you could gain more by finding them.

Grunt had an interesting movement mechanic. Grunt is a pig with a large oval body standing on two little feet that are always running. Grunt can stand on a very thin platform because his feet are quite small. However he can accelerate quite quickly and had quite a bit of intertia, so if you are on a small platform, say you have just jumped there, you might need to quickly adjust in the opposite direction so you don’t fall off. If you are in air you can actually move slightly in the direction that you are running, so you are accelerating in a direction without there being an obvious force in the opposite direction, like when you walk on a platform. It is such that if you are running quickly, and quickly turn directions on an edge, the inertia attained during running will move you in that direction, but since you turned quickly and started running, you will move then in that direction, making an overall U-turn in air. Therefore if you are under a ceiling which is also a platform, and falling off the edge will bring certain death, you can do this maneuver to run beneath the ceiling and quickly change directions and jump on top of the platform which was just the ceiling. This type of jumping maneuver is the hardest in the game. Another movement was running and sitting, and thus sliding. It was important to gain enough speed while sliding so you didn’t end up underneath a wall. The other very difficult part is to stay on a moving platform. I believe you have to move with the platform to stay on top of it and so if the platform is small you are constantly moving and making slight adjustments, maybe even jumping to avoid an obstacle. This detail might not quite be right, but moving on a moving platform to say do a hurdle is something I remember. There were also elevators.

Overall, the game was very difficult, with lots of need to conserve ammo and a tantalizingly difficult dungeon with many doors that led to far off regions.

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