Short Story

SQL & the Wolf

SQL was out and about when he encountered a wolf.

“Hello,” the wolf said, “I am lost. Can you help me?”

A lesser squirrel would have run away.

“SQL the Squirrel at your service.”

“Dinner service.”

“Sir, please don’t eat me.”

“Why not?”

“If you eat me, I cannot tell you the way to go.”

“But I do not know where I am going. My instincts led me here and they will lead me somewhere else. They are my compass. I do not need direction.”

“But what about the big picture?”
“Big picture? What is a picture?”

“Um, the vast wilderness”

“What about it?”

“After I am gone, you will to go searching again and again. Compare that to me. I know where the trees are that bear fruit & nuts. Would it not be better if you had a place to stay?”

“Like where?”

SQL removed from his waist the smart watch that he used to track his steps. Laying the watch on the ground, he began to manipulate the screen with his tiny hands.

“You see this dot? This is where we are. According to this map there is a place called Duck Pond 30km from here.”

“That’s pretty impressive Squirrel. What else can you do?”

“I can read the news.”

“What’s that?”

“I can tell what is happening in the human world. For example, let’s look up Duck Pond.”

Although he did not have his phone, SQL was fortunate that this part of the forest was part of the mesh network he had setup with the other animals that expressed an interest in the internet.

“Duck Pond. A migratory site for birds. No road access. Large mallard populations year round.”

SQL & the wolf, whose name was Wesley, set out in the direction of the pond. They came to a stream that according to the map was a tributary that led to the pond.

“Just go down this stream and in a few hours you will reach the pond. Goodbye.”

Wesley looked uncertain. Before SQL left, he said a few things, like about how he would mark this spot with an X so that Wesley could visit again. Or, that the animals of the forest, could really use a guy like him, fast, able to travel far distances. This was new territory for Wesley, trusting someone. But he was curious what the squirrel meant.

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