Fiction Literature Reviews

Convergence Problems by Wole Talabi, Review

My favorite stories are Lights in the Sky, Blowout, Ganger, Performance Review and Embers.

Lights in the Sky is interesting because of the Africa-China connection. I suspect science fiction will gain popularity in Africa like it did in China.

Blowout is about loss of communication. Folake loses contact with her brother, Femi. Folake and Femi work for the same mining company, but they do not talk. Later on Mars, Femi is part of a mining accident where there is communication loss. Folake is able to reestablish connection with her brother when she saves his life with a remote robot.

Here is a quote from the character Laide in Ganger which is about a post-apocalyptic society: “I don’t want to live like this, stuck in cage, just another variable for some computer program to optimize” (Talabi 92). Her situation in my estimation is similar to the modern day problem of living online too much.

Performance Review is even more creepy when you read the author notes.

Embers is a dark story. It is important to adapt with the times.

Talabi, Wole. Convergence Problems. New York: DAW Books, 2024.