
The Intellectual Property Message of Pixar’s Coco

A world in which the memory of a person imbues that person with strength or after death the inequalities are preserved is one where canonization directly benefits the ego of a soul and goods are transferred to the spirit world in material death ceremonies.

One metaphysical question is whether the souls in the world of death are existing based on the memory of living people or the historical record? There is no person alive that has a memory of another person that was born over 250 years ago. If this were the case, a person reaching their 125 year would have to remember meeting someone that was 125.

If it is also the case that a person is imbued with power based only on the reproduction of images of that person and the viewing of that person, then figures in the mass media are extra powerful. However, if it is only through the memory of the person & a personal connection, although the number of people that have heard about a person are great, the actual psychic energy that imbues them with strength is much weaker.

The custom of remembrance in the mind and memorials both make up the economy of health and wealth in the underworld.

Scoundrels that have stolen the works of other reap the benefits of this also in the afterlife and deprive those bereft souls of safety and comforts. Even in the afterlife people are consumed by the idea of meeting and paying attention to their idols, entertainers. In the absence of bodily need, entertainment & past times, like singing, dancing & gambling make up the prime activities. Certain activities like running a plant or electrical or water system make no sense in the immaterial world unless the immaterial world is more like a plane of second life and comparable to the material world in the needs of its inhabitants.

Justice is eventually had for the musician that had his songs stolen as the events were not sealed at death but played out in a drama where that information is passed back to the world of the living, leading to a contestation and rewriting of history in the material world. This feeds back into the immaterial world and futures change. A person who was boosted by idolization is then rebuffed by all his fans.

A person is remembered by their contribution to humanity and their family & friends. The result of this in the soul world is a society of celebrity. Given a chance to read a well-known author and an unknown one, a person will choose the well-known one even if this monopoly produces suffering from a lack of remembrance. As a networked phenomenon, the unknowns drop out, and the knowns spread through the reproductions of their work. There is suffering in the afterlife, not only from regret by souls, but in that not more is known of the people in the past by the living. This is one conclusion.

There is a theoretical possibility that a soul has memories of the past world and that his relatives exist at a deeper layer not accessible. Otherwise if all the people existed in the soul world layer 1, a single household might contain a multitude. Although it is possible also that they just live somewhere else. The Greek philosophers only speaking ancient greek have walled off in a replica. If not for the possibility of isolation and travel, the soul world would be a celebrity driven oligarchy, possibly a totalitarian state where food from offerings is doled out to weak and unknown souls for their services, their passive income a fraction, an offering only once in a while or not at all.

These are some theoretical metaphysical considerations to the problems of memory or attention as a fungible thing that plays a substantial role in an unseen layer of existence.

Short Story

Mech-Cat Frisby Post-Notes

What are the qualities that give Mech-Cats a soul? Also, what is programmed vs. nurtured?

  1. The mech-cat is a real object. It is not drawing on an unlimited amount of data. It cannot perform an unlimited amount of operations. The brain is finite and so is the system of the mech-cat.
  2. Even so this makes the mech-cat more like an animal or human than a computer. It would be uncanny if a robot could remember every single thing it has ever experienced and recall it instantaneously. What the mech-cat must do is have a high quality source of information from its senses that overwhelms the memory systems so it is forced to extrapolate & synthesize from the data. For example, if you look at some scene and then look away so it is partially in your view, you are taking in a new scene but parts of the old scene are there. Is it the same scene in your mind? Or is it slightly different in your vision? Another example say there is a system that you have studied well and you are asked to reproduce it. While producing it you are not merely copying the old system but doing something else, understanding its operation, entertaining new ideas, even if you were going through the motions of producing normally, for a human it would not turn out the same. If you are merely photocopying it then you get an exact replica but if there is thought put into it the product is different.
  3. What part of the vision system is programmed and which is nurtured? Part of the story is that the mech-cat is programmed to discern between living and non-living things. I think the reason for this is that a human is special. Maybe if their senses are good enough and their programming was good, they would learn without that. But unlike a baby, they are not exactly dependent on people. I believe that life learns what other life is through the early growing process, but since mech-cats are already complete they need this programmed in them.
  4. Another piece of programming is reflexes. I think this is important so even in the example where a robot hand & a human hand are moving, the mech-cat needs to dodge. There is a practical reason too because unlike a living animal it cannot repair it’s own damage. I think in my story anything like the cat being able to recreate its own solar cells or grow muscle is too sophisticated.
  5. This also relates to other programming with self-preservation like with pains. I think for a mechanical being especially for some reason unlike a living creature, it will take longer for them to attain a soul. This is a bit of a cheating concept because I’d say they do have souls yet unlike people it is tough to say whether they are purposeful which is a semi-necessary condition perhaps, but not a sufficient condition for a soul. It is just a recognition that it might take longer for anything to make sense to such a being.
  6. A lot should make sense in terms of its chemical instrumentation. I’m not sure it really understands chemistry, maybe it does, but in a sense this makes the mech-cat a whole lot like humans right off the bat. They are concerned about the same things. They are partners. Humans just like mech-cats want sunshine and clean air. Humans can taste something and understand it is not good because it is bitter. I think only later on would a mech-cat perhaps really understand the why or how of things. I’m sort of imagining a being that can run through some programming and maximize some quality in their environment, but since the environment is very complex and new with a human partner it must adapt its behaviors. Suppose there was a vat of clear liquid and the human was a chemist: he knocks over the liquid and it is a strong acid. It burns a hole in the ground. Perhaps the mech-cat could identify it using its chemical equipment or ask the human on the tablet or any other actions that would lead to an increase in safety. This would be also very important information that would stand out for this particular Mech-Cat.
  7. A big part I think in what makes a soul is the differentiation which cannot be programed exactly. It is differentiation through life which is a semi-random process opposed to say a random number generator in a personality module. A part of this is accomplished in the training center for mech-cats. The testing by humans is one part of this differentiation and the mech-cats themselves the other. What is alive about mech-cats is all the programming they’ve been given which is new to them and how they look and behave to each other. I once read a very interesting story about the many-worlds hypothesis. It was that there were parallel worlds and it was possible to interact with one of these parallel worlds and at that moment destroy the identical-ness between the worlds by this interaction. So by interacting with yourself to say tell him to take a job whereas in your world you don’t take the job, you can run experiments. But they turn out to be different people. I think reality would be similar for the mech-cats. I think it is beneficial for many mech-cats to be together for a time so that they understand there are differences between them and so that they might have a feeling of camaraderie or being part of a collective. I feel that if there is an AI or a robot of great sophistication like the mech-cat, you have to raise it like a child. The mech-cat has a job but it is still a pet so it shouldn’t have any responsibility. It can be given a certain amount of tasks which might be subroutines that human owners might really want like restrictions like not going into certain areas or scaring off mice, but its learning for these things is pretty minimal because unlike a human it is not expected to create his or her own environment or have to learn everything through language. This might be another useful piece of programming for the mech-cat to have, human language, but I don’t think it is necessary because for a lot of simple things in a household, an animal learns through positive and negative reinforcement, even simple commands. I don’t really know how intelligent this animal is to be. I left the “electronic brain” aspects out because I simply couldn’t think of the right thing. Humans have plasticity, neuronal generation. This one facet is hard to capture with computers because although they take in data, they can easily throw out data and take in new data, whereas making a neuron seems like a much more interesting and indeterminate process. It is possible to simulate a neuron and the plastic part is I suppose a neural network because simulated neurons are very simple functions but in aggregate they can do complex things. The problem here is one of efficiency. A human is able to accomplish so much without using a ton of energy. I believe the mech-cat should have some of both: a silicon computer and something else that is more plastic. In popular sci-fi, AIs sometimes become super-intelligent and runaway from their creators by having computer hardware moved or adding more servers to their network with backups and greater CPU, so in this sense an AI is getting smarter or growing. What I imagine for the mech-cat is some kind of material that can become dense and more intricate on the interior from exertin an electrical signal or adding chemicals on the exterior, and so it is is limited by the cavity in the mech-cat. Maybe it is a different form of memory device; like a brain, it could be an object that strengthens repeated signals and weakens signals that come in less frequently. Since the mech-cat is able to do some chemistry, perhaps it could add to this, and build the structure like a crystal very slowly. Perhaps, also in the body of the mech-cat is a chemical bank that he could add to very slowly and that he could draw on.

Questions about the solar panels: In order to create a surface that is flexible out of cells, how do you accomplish this? How can you do it so it fits over what are like muscles that stretch and move in a large range of motion, even fold and turn over oneself like skin that is pulled?